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Friday, April 23

Five Ways to Use a Worksheet in the Goal Setting Process

A goal setting worksheet can really help you set better goals. Yet with so many different worksheet versions out there, figuring out which one to use -- and how to use it -- can be quite a challenge. As it turns out, not every worksheet is right for every person.

So how do you choose the right goal setting worksheet for you? First of all, it helps if you know how you plan to use them -- because once you know that, you'll also know which ones are the most suitable for you -- and even how to make your own. So go ahead and read on to discover the key ways to use them.

You'll find that those worksheets really are a great resource for every part of the goal setting process, from figuring out your core values to mapping up your goals all the way to creating the individual action steps. So here are the five key ways to use such a worksheet as you go through the goal setting process:

1) Determine your core values
Write down your main values, and then whittle them down by crossing out the ones that are somewhat negotiable -- until you're left with your top five or so values that you can't live without. Then order those from 1 to 5.

2) Match your values up with your goalsv>
Figure out what you want and then check if your tentative goals are in alignment with your core values. If they're not, try another goal or find ways to make the goal fit better with your core values. Be sure to be honest here. Don't kid yourself.
3) Make your goals seductive
Write down the things you'll get to enjoy when you have achieved your goals. Think about them in great detail, in sensory terms, one at a time. Make each of them come alive. Taste it, smell it, and imagine what it will fell to have what you're working towards. You can even add a checklist for creating reminder note cards that you can take with you wherever you go.
4) Cut your goals down to size
Big and bold goals may be motivating, but they can also be mighty intimidating. Don't let that stop you. Use your goal setting worksheets to cut your big goals down to size.

What does that mean? It means that you create specific action steps for each of them. Remember that famous Chinese quote about the 1000 mile road that begins with the first step? That's what you should aim for. Write down a first step for each of your goals, then another one. Write as many as you can think of -- but don't stress out if you can't think of more than the first one or two. The third step will become obvious once you have completed step one and two.

On the last goal setting worksheet you should schedule your action steps. In fact, make it checklists where you can cross off the steps you have taken. And even though it's not a worksheet, don't ignore your calendar. Whatever you use, a PDA or an old-fashioned Week-at-a-Glance calendar -- schedule your steps and you'll be on your way.


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