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i just concern about lives. What is it people live to.

Friday, April 23

Five Ways to Use a Worksheet in the Goal Setting Process

A goal setting worksheet can really help you set better goals. Yet with so many different worksheet versions out there, figuring out which one to use -- and how to use it -- can be quite a challenge. As it turns out, not every worksheet is right for every person.

So how do you choose the right goal setting worksheet for you? First of all, it helps if you know how you plan to use them -- because once you know that, you'll also know which ones are the most suitable for you -- and even how to make your own. So go ahead and read on to discover the key ways to use them.

You'll find that those worksheets really are a great resource for every part of the goal setting process, from figuring out your core values to mapping up your goals all the way to creating the individual action steps. So here are the five key ways to use such a worksheet as you go through the goal setting process:
1) Determine your core values
Write down your main values, and then whittle them down by crossing out the ones that are somewhat negotiable -- until you're left with your top five or so values that you can't live without. Then order those from 1 to 5.

2) Match your values up with your goalsv>
Figure out what you want and then check if your tentative goals are in alignment with your core values. If they're not, try another goal or find ways to make the goal fit better with your core values. Be sure to be honest here. Don't kid yourself.
3) Make your goals seductive
Write down the things you'll get to enjoy when you have achieved your goals. Think about them in great detail, in sensory terms, one at a time. Make each of them come alive. Taste it, smell it, and imagine what it will fell to have what you're working towards. You can even add a checklist for creating reminder note cards that you can take with you wherever you go.
4) Cut your goals down to size
Big and bold goals may be motivating, but they can also be mighty intimidating. Don't let that stop you. Use your goal setting worksheets to cut your big goals down to size.

What does that mean? It means that you create specific action steps for each of them. Remember that famous Chinese quote about the 1000 mile road that begins with the first step? That's what you should aim for. Write down a first step for each of your goals, then another one. Write as many as you can think of -- but don't stress out if you can't think of more than the first one or two. The third step will become obvious once you have completed step one and two.

On the last goal setting worksheet you should schedule your action steps. In fact, make it checklists where you can cross off the steps you have taken. And even though it's not a worksheet, don't ignore your calendar. Whatever you use, a PDA or an old-fashioned Week-at-a-Glance calendar -- schedule your steps and you'll be on your way.
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Friday, April 9

How to Set Successful Goals

Many people want to know how to better set goals. They might have ideas in mind, but can never get to the point where goals are set forth and achieved. There are many reasons why goals may be hard to plan out and pursue and ways to help. Finding solutions to battle poor goal setting might help you to achieve the goals and dreams you have always wanted.

For some, the concept of setting goals sounds impossible because there are just too many steps along the way. It is often hard to imagine getting somewhere when it sounds like an impossible task to achieve. For example; a singer who has always dreamed of becoming famous, might not even consider pursuing that option because it just seems like a wacky idea. However, if the singer thought about baby steps toward getting there, she or he might think more successfully.
Setting goals involves breaking an idea down into small steps. A great example of this is for someone who is trying to lose weight. They might want to lose a hundred pounds, but this goal might sound like a far one away to have. It can often be hard to stay motivated toward something that doesn’t happen right away. That means that the person who wants to lose weight would be more successful if he/she begins with a lower weight goal. So perhaps they can have a goal that is something like losing two pounds. It doesn’t sound like much, but reaching it can happen fast and create a sense of hope, and a group of two pound loses will soon add up to something much bigger.

Goal setting also involves planning and writing things down. It is find for someone to say that they would like to plan a wedding, or lose weight, or become the boss of a company in the future. But without a solid plan on how to get there, it might never happen. It is best to sit down and make up a plan. A plan should include lots of goals. And those goals should be small ones and large ones. The small goals are things that can happen quickly and are more insight. That may mean that your baby goals might include things like; getting to work on time every day or to find a wedding planner book to get started.

Planning your goals and dreams might take a while. So don`t plan on it being down in five minutes while you eat breakfast. Have a notebook out with some solid goals and have it sit around for a few days or weeks and play around with the ideas you have in there. Some goals might require some research, for example if you`re thinking about returning to school, or some goals might need the help from family and friends. Set yourself up for success and have a plan that takes time to build and expand on.

A great motto to live by is that if you fail to plan… plan to fail. It means that a well thought out plan with small and big goals is the way to achieve your dreams. Great planning is the key to success and successful planning begins with positive goals. Goals that is reachable and attainable. Once all of your attainable goals are reached you will be moving closer to your bigger goals and showing you the power of being successful.

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Wednesday, February 24

All About Pets

Pets ... everyone must have a pet or at least, once thought to have one. When I was a kid, I also once thought to have a pet. But, unfortunately, it was impossible to be true because I used to think to kept the dragon ... :D. No, I'm kidding! I used to keep freshwater fish. It pleased to be able to kept  fish. When I used to needed more ideas, I would sit in a fish pond while saw the fish swimming around, and I do it until now.

Whether coincidence or not, even now my son loved to take care of  fish.He always ask me or his mom to buy him a fish. Everyday!! Can u imagine that?? I said to him: "You wanna open the pet shop?" And he just laughed.  Kids!!

By the way...have you pets?? What kind of pets you have, dogs, cats, or maybe alligator ... :)? Well, It's up to you as long as you keep them with your 'hearth'.

See U!!

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Saturday, February 20

Get $10 Sign Up Bonus from Hits4Pay

Hits4Pay is a popular program that uses advertisers' dollars to pay their members for reading emails. Hits4Pay will pay you $0,02 every time you get email from it. The way that companies like Hits4Pay work is by connecting advertisers with a guaranteed audience. They do this by paying their members for every email that they read and for each ad that they click on.

How does it works:
1. You will get paid $0.02 for reading our advertiser's messages sent to you, and for visiting their websites. You also will be paid $0.01 per email that your referrals read!

2. To get paid for each email, you must click on the link or button at the bottom of each advertisement sent to you, and visit the advertiser's website for at least 60 seconds!

3. You will only receive paid emails to your Hits4Pay internal mailbox.

4. Look for regular email notification regarding your Hits4Pay account from us to your email account! You are set to receive messages from Hits4Pay to your email.

5. You will only receive credit once per validated email. Emails to your regular email inbox do not count! You will only receive paid emails to your Hits4Pay internal mailbox.

6. Your Hits4Pay commissions are paid via Paypal, not by check! (Don't have a PayPal account? Create Your Free Account!)

7. In order to receive payment, members must submit a valid W-9 (1099) tax form, have their PayPal address on file, and reach the minimum balance of $25.00!

8. If these requirements are all met by the 1st of the following month, your account's balance will be cleared, or "zeroed out".

9. Your payment will then be issued via PayPal on or around the 15th of the month! Accounts that do not meet the minimum payout requirement will have their balance rolled over to the next month respectively.

10. Upon signing up, each member will receive a signup bonus of $10.00! This is added to your Total Current Balance, giving you a great head start towards the minimum balance!

11. The bonus will be added into your Paypal when you get $25.

Interesting?? Sign up Here!
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My Umptheenth Blog

This is my umpteenth blog. Dunno why I love to create blogs. Maybe this is what people said I'm crazy about making new things. Or maybe, just maybe .... all my blogs I've created before have not satisfied me yet. But the question is .... to what all this about? Does anyone can answer me?  XD

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