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About Me

i just concern about lives. What is it people live to.

Wednesday, February 24

All About Pets

Pets ... everyone must have a pet or at least, once thought to have one. When I was a kid, I also once thought to have a pet. But, unfortunately, it was impossible to be true because I used to think to kept the dragon ... :D. No, I'm kidding! I used to keep freshwater fish. It pleased to be able to kept  fish. When I used to needed more ideas, I would sit in a fish pond while saw the fish swimming around, and I do it until now.

Whether coincidence or not, even now my son loved to take care of  fish.He always ask me or his mom to buy him a fish. Everyday!! Can u imagine that?? I said to him: "You wanna open the pet shop?" And he just laughed.  Kids!!

By the way...have you pets?? What kind of pets you have, dogs, cats, or maybe alligator ... :)? Well, It's up to you as long as you keep them with your 'hearth'.

See U!!

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